Ku ka’i ka haloa la
Water is connectivity to everything
Custom Essence Exploration
Sacred Waters is an exploration and deepening of our connections to the Earth, to Source and the world around us through healing and presence, recognizing wai (water) as our sacred conduit. Wai is the vehicle for human growth and learning, it is the timelessness of growth and enlightenment manifesting in our lives through our human experience.
It is the denial of our human experience that begins to place rocks and boulders in our riverbed, obstructing the flow of water.
By your birth, you are the carrier and the connector of limitless knowledge of the vastness and truth of existence. You are the one with the potential to bring the ancestral teachings from Pō into the physical world – that’s how powerful you can be when you’re connected, aligned, Pono and standing firm on the line of truth.
2 Pala’ā: Divine Conception
3 ‘Uluhe: Divine Creation
4 Palai Hinahina: Divine Grief
5 Makue: Divine Purity
6 Pa’iwa’iwa: Divine Truth
7 Waikau: Divine Courage
8 Pomoho: Divine Illumination
9 Iwa'iwa Noa: Divine Liberation
10 Pākahakaha: Divine Detachment Numerology 1
11 ‘Iwa’Iwa O’ali’i: Divine Unity Numerology 2
12 Wāwae’iole: Divine Acceptance Numerology 3
13 Pink Ginger: Bridge between Masculine and Feminine Numerology 4
14 O’ali’i: Divine Sexuality Numerology 5
15 Pluto Caves and the Lineage of 1000 Grandmothers Numerology 6
16 Tears of Pele & The Peridot Priestess Numerology 7
17 Golden Healer, Phenacite & The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades Numerology 8
18 Tahitian Pink Sand & Rose Quartz Numerology 9
19 Mt. Shasta Golden Fern Numerology 1
20 Hinano Blossom Numerology 2
21 Nauā: Divine Tenderness Numerology 3
22 Moa: Divine Purification Numerology 4
23 Rainbow Sweat Lodge Numerology 5
24 Ekaha: Divine Certainty Numerology 6
25 Pai Huna: Divine Mystery Numerology 7
26 Palapalai: Divine Discipline Numerology 8
27 Catydid: ET Lightcodes Numerology 9
28 Yellow Rose of Makawao Numerology 1
29 (f) Niani’au: Divine Abundance, Pitt River Basin Power Ferns Numerology 2
30 (m) Niani’au: Divine Abundance, Pitt River Basin Power Ferns Numerology 3
31 Vega Star System Numerology 4
32 Pleiades Numerology 5
33 Golden White Lily Numerology 6
34 Hale Mahina: House of the Moon Numerology 7
35 Hinahina: Divine Feminine Numerology 8
36 Mystery fern Numerology 9
37 Haleakalā: House of the Sun and the Divine Masculine Numerology 1
38 Kaupō: Inner Mastery Numerology 2
39 Pikake Numerology 3
40 Lilinoe Kino Lau: Haleakalā Cloud Mist Numerology 4
41 Kamananui Stream, Waimea Valley Numerology 5
42 Lake Waiau Numerology 6
43 Kaiwikō 'ele Stream, Waimea Valley Numerology 7
44 Koki'o 'Ulu Numerology 8
45 Maile Numerology 9
46 Makali'i: Divine Euphoria Numerology 1
47 Laua'e: Divine Beauty Numerology 2
48 'Ae: Divine Empathy Numerology 3
49 Lōlio with Nau’a: Divine Dynamism with Tenderness Numerology 4
50 White Ginger Numerology 5
51 La'akea Lama: Divine Magic Numerology 6
52 Limu Kau La'au: Divine Illusion Numerology 7
53 Lōlio: Divine Dynamism Numerology 8
54 O'hia Lehua: Divine Pain Numerology 9
55 'Ama'u: Divine Ego Numerology 1
55 'Ama'u: Divine Ego Numerology 1
56 Naupaka Kuahiwi Numerology 2
57 Naupaka Kahakai Numerology 3
58 Ākōlea: Divine Wonder Numerology 4
59 Hoe a Māui: Vitality Numerology 5
60 'Onehe: Divine Integrity Numerology 6
61 The Holy Land Numerology 7
62 A'A' (Kukui) Heiau, Lae-'ala-kukui, Olohena, Kapa'a, Kauai Numerology 8
63 Waikapalae: Blue Room wet cave, Hā'ena, Kauai Numerology 9
64 Maniniholo Dry Cave, Hā'ena, Kauai Numerology 1
65 'Alae: Divine Devotion Numerology 2
66 Beehive Ginger Numerology 3
67 Hearny Lake and the Sundance Numerology 4
68 Horse Chestnut Numerology 5
69 Ganesha Numerology 6
70 Yellow Lehua Numerology 7
71 Wahine No Mauna: Divine Excellence Numerology 8
72 Miracles and Divine Grace Numerology 9
73 Pilale Bay, Maui Numerology 1
74 Giant Blazing Star, Mt. Shasta Numerology 2
75 Suasi Island, Lake Titicaca, Peru Numerology 3
76 Mana: Divine Coherence Numerology 4
77 Ka'ape'ape: Divine Grace Numerology 5
78 Giant Diamond Maidenhair Numerology 6
79 Bodhi Tree, Foster Botanical Gardens Numerology 7
80 Mo'oula Waterfall, Halawa Valley Numerology 8
81 Alpine Aster Numerology 9
82 I' O'hia Ku: Divine Fury Numerology 1
83 Bleeding Koa Numerology 2
84 He’eia Stream, Haiku Numerology 3
85 Wai'ale'ale Stream, Kaulapapa Numerology 4
86 Wood Valley Wai, Hawai'i Numerology 5
88 Wailua-nui-a-ho'āno: Wailua River Resurrection, Kauai Numerology 7
87 Kauleonanahoa, Fertility Pōhaku Numerology 6
89 Puna/Pihea: Divine Endurance (m) Numerology 8
90 Night Blooming Cereus Numerology 9
91 Pink Lotus & Andromeda Numerology 1
92 Blue Lotus & Andromeda Numerology 2
93 Kiha-Wahine, Mo'o Goddess, Maui Numerology 3