The energy field, or as it is called in the Brennan Healing model, the energy-consciousness system, is the field of energy that penetrates and surrounds your physical body. You can think of it as a more subtle aspect of your physical body, an energetic template which supports your physical body.
Different "levels", frequencies, of your energy field reflect different aspects of yourself, including your emotions, attitudes, relationship to yourself and others. It is through the field that we can get a sense of others and our environment, as well as interact. The aim of energy work is to create more fluidity in your energy field, adding healthier vibrations to the mix, and releasing areas of stagnation.
You can think of chakras as energy centres that metabolise energy. In the Brennan Healing model, there are seven major chakras, each related to different psychological functions, as well as bodily functions e.g. different glands. Healthy chakra functioning is therefore important both for our physical and psychological wellbeing. This is why a Brennan Healing practitioner clears, balances and charges the chakras, supporting and nurturing your energy system.
Each chakra is associated with a colour that is "healthy" for it, a vibration that supports its function. These colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and white, as represented in the image. Whenever there is a disruption in this complex energy system, your physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual health will be affected. This can produce dis-ease in your body. These disruptions, or blocks, are often the results of past experiences we have had and limiting choices we have made in our lives. As blocks are cleared during the healing, healer and client act as partners to reveal those parts of yourself that hold you back from building the life you long for.